Monday, 5 May 2008

Deals that make a difference

I'm off to Good Deals tomorrow. The conference, organised by the Office of the Third Sector in partnership with NESTA, is the first to focus on financial investment in social enterprise. About time too!

Like social entrepreneurs themselves who are using previously unexplored ways to solve social and environmental problems, investors are recognising that they too can make a difference by structuring investment platforms in such a way that society will benefit.

The event features some interesting speakers particularly Sir Tom Hunter, who will be giving the keynote address, and Liam Black, board advisor to Jamie Oliver's Fifteen Foundation and the conference chair. Real life pitches are also planned with social entrepreneurs including Divine Chocolate's Sophie Tranchell set to face the 'dragons' live on stage.

The conference is set to show that the main ambition for thousands of entrepreneurs is not making millions to fund their retirement in the south of France; it's doing good to benefit local, national and global communities.

There have been several high profile social enterprise conferences over recent years which demonstrate the rising interest in the sector. But we need more to show these type of firms are the future of business. Good Deals goes a huge way to putting that right.

I'll post my experiences on the conference later in the week.

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